Some call it a FLAP DISPLAY BOARD, others a FLAP DISPLAY; many call it a SOLARI BOARD, and if you're in Central Europe, a PRAGOTRON

This child is weeping because he may grow up and never be able to enjoy the sound of the board clicking.

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Flap displays are being replaced by LCD boards in alarming numbers.

"At Penn Station, the sign no longer goes clackety-clack"

"In place of the iconic board above the main desk at Baltimore's Amtrak station, there now hangs a large digital board that works intermittently as it undergoes testing. For live information, passengers depend on two small temporary digital screens - miniature versions of what travelers might see listing arrivals and departures at an airport." -Michael Dresser, Baltimore Sun

"Nostalgia for noise at South Station"

"T wants high-tech sign to have low-tech sound...A steady ''tickticktickticktick" -Mac Daniel, The Boston Globe

"The intermittent, oddly comforting clacking of the airport arrivals-departures board" has found its home in a museum. -Roberta Smith, The New York Times

If a flap display is clicking in a museum gallery, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?